CYB 499 Cybersecurity Experiential Learning

CYB 499 Cybersecurity Experiential Learning

Course modified date: 5 September 2023

KP develops branded career pathways that place a deliberate focus onthe knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) required for careers in cybersecurity as evidenced by industry recognized certifications and experiential learning opportunities.KP’s Cybersecurity Career Pathway is aligned to the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) Frameworkand Branded career paths are customizedwithKP Network Partnersallowing for maximum flexibility in the selection of content, program structure and target occupations. 

The Kinetic Potential Cybersecurity Career Pathway targets the role of Cybersecurity Analyst / Consultant, a generalist found in every category of the NICE Framework with an average salary of $95,000.